Structure of the Company

Scientific and technical council of the company:

Headed by Chukhno Vladimir Ivanovich, Director General, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Its members are the scientists and leading specialists of the company, including two Doctors and seven Candidates of Technical Sciences with long-term work experience in the sphere of complex objects security. Prominent scientists from Scientific Research and Educational Institutions are being engaged in the work of the council as scientific consultants.

The council establishes the engineering policy of the company, its perspective strategy and tactics for the current year.

Primary tasks:


Scientific and Technical Development Department

The primary task of the department is determination and scientific and technical argumentation of the main areas of a company’s business.

СThe department specialists have approved themselves in execution of security projects for transport objects, pipeline and energy complexes.

Department of computer technology and programming

The department develops special software for the following purposes:

  1. For “Rubezh” complex security automatic systems.
  2. For “Rubezh-Manager” distributed security systems with the possibility of integration on the basis of “Rubezh” control and indicating fire-control equipment.
  3. For recording of the products specifications - "Recording of completing units for products".
  4. For the clients database management and electronic protection keys coming with the supplied equipment – “Recording of orders for software”.

“Rubezh” system software has been developed in accordance with CASE- technology principles and consists of a set of computer program modules intended for the solution of special-purpose tasks to ensure objects’ security and activity.

Flexible configuration capabilities of the system have been achieved due to high-capacity “Rubezh Script” programming language.

With due regard to the operating experience of the software, the works on the increase of its functional capabilities are carried out today. The following software is under development: “Photo-fit photographic identification of WKS” add-on, video subsystem software for Windows 2000, software for audio and video monitoring. .

Development of software for biometric identification systems is being planned.


НToday, the company disposes of modern equipment for the batch production of a wide range technical security systems. Engineering procedure of production includes four stages:

    1.Automatic surface mounting of electronic boards.
The quality of products is ensured through the modern element base of the leading world manufacturers and the usage of ESM-93 automatic surface-mount assemblers (with the capacity of 2 thou. elements/hour) and "Тоpаz-Х" - the latest model released by Phillips (with the capacity of 18, 5 thou. elements/hour) with a computerized output quality monitoring.

    2. Installation of add-on electronic components and blocks assembly.
These operations are carried out by the highly qualified specialists of assembly section equipped with a climate control system and modern tools.

    3. Computerized diagnostics of the operational capacity of blocks..
Reliability of products is ensured through the usage of computerized diagnostics for testing of separate boards and fabricated blocks. Unique methods and equipment allow testing of finished products within a short period of time.

    4. Bench testing of finished products.
Products life is ensured through bench testing under the conditions of high loading, voltage drops and operational temperature.

Production quality control is carried out by a commission established at the company and headed by chief engineer, which includes heads, developers and leading specialists. A system of the output products quality control has been developed and is being used in accordance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001, GOST (State Standard) R ISO 9001 and SRPP VT.

The main list of the manufactured products::
central processing unit block (CPU block) with seven modifications, object control panel (OCP), linear (relay, retransmitter) address blocks, network controllers, code reader devices, boards of digital recording and visual information (RMVideo-4; RMvideo-16), 12/24 Volt uninterruptible power supplies.


Project and Assembly Department

High quality of designing, assembly and pre-commissioning works is ensured by the highly qualified and experienced employees of the department using the modern technology and tools.

    Tasks of the department::
  1. Development of commercial proposals on fitting out of objects with technical security means, work with clients;
  2. Site survey, drawing up of proposals and contracts;
  3. Execution of projects and technical documentation;
  4. Selection and completing of the units of equipment in view of cost optimization;
  5. Cost estimation of project, assembly and pre-commissioning works;
  6. Delivery, installation and pre-commissioning of equipment;
  7. Warranty and post-warranty technical services for objects.

More than a hundred of the objects of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Central Bank, Ministry of Transport, fuel and energy complexes, including the buildings of: the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Zhitnaya Sq.), Military Academy of the General Staff, Staff of Moscow Military District, Central Public Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Marine Transport, “Matrosskaya Tishina” pretrial detention center, etc.

Department of Technical Support

It was established more than three years ago and consists of graduates from the leading technical higher educational institutions of Moscow; maintains technical support of operating equipment at sites.

    Tasks of the department::
  1. Drawing up of recommendations on the selection and usage of hardware and software taking into account the peculiarities of objects;
  2. Development of tests (test problems) simulating the errors of users upon security systems operation;
  3. Control of operation of the hardware and software installed at sites with the help of test problems;
  4. Development and manufacturing of bench equipment and demonstration of integrated security systems to customers and training of technical staff;
  5. Training and consulting of technical staff with regard to security systems operation;
  6. Keeping integrated systems users informed of the development of the new versions of software and equipment modifications.

Department of marketing and finished products distribution

This department is entrusted with one of the most important and complicated functions – work with clients in regard to equipment delivery.

    Tasks of the department::
  1. Marketing of hardware and services in the sphere of security;
  2. Development of proposals on the use of production capacities on the basis of analysis and forecasting of the market needs and customers’ orders;
  3. Booking of orders, execution of contracts and equipment delivery;
  4. Advertising at exhibitions and in printed matters, holding of and participation in advertising events.

Дата печати: 30 Jun 2024 15:20:32